Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What happens when I join?

A: Immediately upon registration, your promotional web page is activated and your services are searchable by any key word. There are message boards in which you can participate or publish an article, offer a quote or joke and begin interacting with your fellow members.

Q: How do I set up my web page?

A: As soon as you register your basic web page will be online. To enhance your page you will be logged into your Site Administration Interface where you can upload photos or graphics, add links and promotional or bio information. It is easy to do and all support is available by clicking on the Contact Us link at the top of any page or referencing the Help section.

Q: How is the Referral Network web site promoted?

A: The Referral Network is essentially a self contained entity in that activity is generated from within the network among participants. Public activity is generated using search engines such as Google and Yahoo. Interaction among members is also a primary source of activity.

Q: How do I invite a someone into membership?

A: After you register, you have a Member Interface on the site. All you do is login to your account to access all your membership information. There is a link to the Invitation System. Enter the email address and name of the person you want to invite and the system automatically sends them an email invitation to join the network. You can track your invitations through the site interface to check the status of those you have invited.

Q: How many members can I refer?

A: There is no limit to the number of members you can invite, when it comes to networking, the more the better.

Q:Who makes the best members?

A: The best people to invite are those you personally admire. Any business, services or individual will benefit from membership. Friends, family, or business services such as physicians, dentists, attorneys, accountants, financial institutions, contractors, chiropractors, restaurants, beauty salons, home inspectors, florists and other services benefit from networking .

Q: Why should I invite others to join?

A: When you refer someone into membership, they are provided an opportunity to promote themselves or their services. Benefits to inviting others to join.

Q: What kind of support can I expect?

A: You can expect immediate support for any technical or membership issues that may arise by clicking on the Contact Us link at the top of any page or reference the Help section.